word of the week

This word was sighted in multiple contexts and variations today. Its used far too seldom so I figured I'd give it some notoriety here.

Fungible. (Fuhn-ja-ble)
AYR approved definition: a resource/object that is interchangeable/flexible.
Inter-office usage: "We only expect the most fungible of individuals in this organization." "You gotta up your funge level, baby." "I am very proud of my fungibility, thank you!" "The turn-around- time on your ability to fungate needs improvement."

And on an unrelated note: A recently vacationing engineer just came back from her beach holiday. She was describing the escapades of her vacation when, HR Rep: "Well that's nice, but quit your beachin' and get back to work!"

Note: The above (pronunciation/definition) was not taken from an actual dictionary. Use discretion in casual conversation.
Note^2: The quotes above follow the gist of actual office conversations.

Another unrelated note: I may or may not be working on a rough screenplay (a mockumentory of sorts) delineating the antics of my HR counterparts... You just can't script stuff this good. ;)

1 comment:

  1. OOoh ooh ooh that seriously gives me reason to continue breathing in and out. A mockumentory of epic HR proportions blows my mind.

    I can't wait to use "beachin'" in an appropriate context.
