The distance between you and I

She looks back down the road she's just traveled, and wonders if all the stops she made along the way were worth it.

The journey's been long, some parts consuming her more than others-- but she's never been alone, never lonely- not really.

The lights in the distance seem to be so close in the darkening sky, though she certain its been miles and miles since she's been around those she knows and loves.

What will come of the miles and miles to go, she muses.

Though the sky is inking into blackness, she turns to feel her way forward-- knowing that every moment until this one has been made for what is to come,

she hopes and prays for a certain kind of wonderful for her,

and for you.

There are miles and miles to go, but she's never been alone. Not really.

Musings of the ever mysterious "Futuro"

Whew—sorry for the interim delay in posts. I feel like I’ve had a lot on my mind as of late, and this past weekend may or may not have sent my brain into overdrive, prompting me to just get it all out.

The week before last I was in Houston for a couple of days with Shell. I really like them… and Houston. I wonder if they like me too.

Maybe I’ll pass them a note with the check boxes like back in the day, and hope they don't make a "maybe" box.

The rest of that week and the last one were fairly uneventful as far as events go. Work has been passing slowly and quickly all at the same time. I wonder if that feeling is common to twenty-somethings embarking on new endeavors. Like everything is happening and nothing is happening all at once?

Another sensation that I’ve been wondering of its commonality amongst young adults, is this weird feeling I get when I’m at work. At the risk of sounding cliché, sometimes I forget it's just an internship, and that it’ll be coming to a screeching halt in a matter of weeks. The people at my office treat me much less like an intern and more like a co-worker. I even imagine living and breathing and growing and loving at the feeling of it all. I imagine I’m already a grown up then, instead of smack dab in the middle of what should be a quarter-life crisis. I imagine a home that I live in, with bright paint on the walls and matching appliances. I envision a husband whom I see God in the little specks of light in the irises of his eyes and the creases of his mouth when he smiles. A feeling of partial completeness fills my lungs when I entertain this train of thought for a bit, a expanding of my heart, even. A feeling so big and heavy that I imagine floating up through the ceiling tiles and rafters of the bull-pen with the lightness of it all.

Then, all too soon, it contracts again and I remember that this is just a trial run at adulthood. So far okay, but there is so much to come. It feels oddly like a play date. A wonderful expanding and contracting play date that gives me gossamer glimpses into what future He has in mind for me... (please don’t think I mean cubicle work stylings and donuts at departmental meetings) but a play date all the same.

This past weekend my roommate, some of her college friends, and I went on a Cajun-adventure to the Essence festival in New Orleans. She stumbled across some free tickets to the event for Saturday night through one of her contacts, and was lovely enough to let me join her for the festivities. That expanding and contracting happened again there. Meeting her little family of friends made me have that stuck-in-between feeling even more than usual. I remember the easy friendships of undergrad, and sidling next to them for the weekend confirmed that college should have some of the funner-est moments of growing up.

We wandered through the French quarter… its debauchery isn’t often exaggerated by my experiences.

I will say that men are quite bold on Bourbon. Women would be in varying states of undress (depending, I guess, on their mating phases) and men would stand on sidewalks outside of bustling daiquiri huts, clubs, and (what I’ll just call) brothels and survey women from their toes to their crowns. Some even so much as stepped out, grabbed the (desired) woman's arm, and walked along side them flirting until a firm rebuff came.

Off of Bourbon men were still bold, but seemed more discrete in their eyeball surveillance. I stumbled into a guy while I was trying to find my seat at the concert, and as I was apologizing for my clumsiness my hand glanced off his arm for balance. His 40-something mind took this as a signal and enveloped me in a side-hug, at which I had to reciprocate to not disrupt the flow of traffic. He walked me a quarter of the way to my seat interspersing his speech with endearing phrases about my physique (arm in arm, no less- can you imagine!?), and topped it off with a kiss on my shoulder-blade. I stood in disbelief, and found my seat in a half daze (not the dreamy kind, either). Another, more presentable fellow caught my attention while my roommate and I were walking back to the hotel off of the infamous Canal street. He chatted easily with us up the expanse to the strip of occupied hotels, called me a keeper, and told me to save his number under “My Future.”

Again, there isn’t much one can say in response to such advances.

As topsy-turvy as my weekend felt and perhaps even translates, I did really have an interesting time. I also confirmed a standing operating procedure:

You are what you attract.

That was plenty for me.

Random British Colloquialisms

'Ello there! I have a bit of slang to share with you lot today. In an effort to perpetuate my fancy of everything English, I've compiled a short queue of words/phrases for you to mull over. :) Enjoy, and cheers!

: Old fashioned (kind of reminiscent of "Aunt Wacky"-- an endearment that I don't think I'd be too put off by if used in the distant future...) See below: The ever outdated and soon-to-be archaic "nuclear family."

Arse over kettle: To fall over (the imagery is impeccable though, wouldn't you agree?) See below: I looked everywhere for a literal image of this phraseology, but alas, could only procure a montage of falling men from the CAUTION signs. Does anyone really throw up their arms with abandon while falling?

Article: An offensive or undesirable person (Ouch, but also you could totally slip this in and insult someone without them even knowing...but that would be rather mean...kinda...) See below: A lame attempt at being "offensive..."

Away with the mixer: Someone who is out of touch with reality (Haha, now here, is this just someone who is overly obsessed with baking and has thus become out of touch? Hmm, something to watch out for!) See below: I just couldn't pass up this gem... and yes, he is in a dumpster...

word of the week

This word was sighted in multiple contexts and variations today. Its used far too seldom so I figured I'd give it some notoriety here.

Fungible. (Fuhn-ja-ble)
AYR approved definition: a resource/object that is interchangeable/flexible.
Inter-office usage: "We only expect the most fungible of individuals in this organization." "You gotta up your funge level, baby." "I am very proud of my fungibility, thank you!" "The turn-around- time on your ability to fungate needs improvement."

And on an unrelated note: A recently vacationing engineer just came back from her beach holiday. She was describing the escapades of her vacation when, HR Rep: "Well that's nice, but quit your beachin' and get back to work!"

Note: The above (pronunciation/definition) was not taken from an actual dictionary. Use discretion in casual conversation.
Note^2: The quotes above follow the gist of actual office conversations.

Another unrelated note: I may or may not be working on a rough screenplay (a mockumentory of sorts) delineating the antics of my HR counterparts... You just can't script stuff this good. ;)


I've been having first-post-cold-feet (supposedly a real life ailment), and as it were, have been postponing the "unveiling" (yes- the air quotes are intentional) of this project because I really didn't think I had much worthwhile to whet your palettes with.
Then I realized it doesn't really matter what you necessarily think... After all, you'd just a quickly navigate your browser away from my ramblings, as you would give a thumbs down to a poorly chosen track on Pandora.

Alas, I still have nothing, but I figure getting through the first post is half the (uphill) battle. Now, I present you with a couple of pseudo-poetic catchings of my stream of consciousness (that have been semi- invoked by occurrences from the last 72 hours-72 days).

It's almost easy to forget I'm down south, but somehow I was startled back into reality yesterday when I was walking down a nondescript road on my way to a whole in the wall coffee shop. A gleam in the road caught my eye. I glanced, only to find...Oysters. Or rather their shells, filling a pot hole in the road. I marveled at their iridescence despite their unfortunate circumstance, and then looked both ways before I crossed the street with a smile.

So today, I was en route to the infamous Naw'Leans. The commute was a bit over an hour, but along the whole way I couldn't help but notice the petting-zoo-like foliage, just aching to break free of their tight (forest) formation onto the interstate to scoop food from one's pro-offered palm. Monkeys, giraffes, even elephants stuck out their limbs to lazily sprinkle my drive with funny animalian contortions, personifying (is there an animal version of this?) the leaves and branches in ways that only the Bayou could. At the very least, it certainly kept me awake when my blasted allergy medicine nearly put me to sleep.

And, another I dreamt up and modified:

fools speak of generally this or
essentially that,
for its all they know the truth of.
the specifics are never discussed,
merely allusions to allusions to illusions,
that matter none.